Friday, July 30, 2010

medcap pics!

Going to do community service (COMSERVE) with the seabees today and help paint buildings that they have been working on. I'm also hoping to shadow HOPE's anesthesiologist in the OR and see surgery, then teach my first yoga class tonight!  The yoga instructor is desperate, can you tell?! well, she really is, otherwise she would have to cancel class... wish me luck!

helo shot!

i asked the pediatricians if they can let me see anything they thing might be interesting.  this little girl had a severe, systemic dermatological condition.  I thought it was epidermolysis bullosa based on what i've seen before, but it's hard when you are given 5 minutes to see a patient and don't have anything to work with.  We couldn't do anything for her, so sad.

a girl getting her teeth extracted in the dental clinic, and the kids watching by the window
me on the HELICOPTER! =D 

before i almost got trampled... still so much fun!


  1. If you only know: I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! -- albert

  2. Oh, yeah, just forgot: I LOVE YOU TOO.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. YOu are amazing Ellen!!! I love your photos!!
